Pac-Man on Google!
May 23, 2010
I'm a bit late on this post. And why is the pic so small! >o<
If you've been to the Google homepage today, you would've noticed that the Google logo has been replaced with a Pac-Man level (with Google logo as the level).
The Google Pac-Man awesome, but it was even better when the level becomes playable, complete with the classic Pac-Man music! Amazing stuff!
And if you click on the "Insert Coin" button, you'll be treated to 2-player Pac-Man, with the second player playing as Ms. Pac-Man (Pac-Man's girlfriend/wife/fiance/sister/mum?)
As I found out, Pac-Man celebrates his 30th birthday today! I can't believe it! It's quite amazing that a game like Pac-Man could span for so many years! Truly phenomenal.