Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1
November 21, 2010
I gave a score of 88 for my review of Harry Potter's last movie last year, citing that the movie lacked explaination of some important bits from the book. David Yates returns to direct the 2-part finale, and I'm glad to say this movie is even better than The Half-Blood Prince. Click "Read More!" for the full review.
The last time I read this book was shortly after it came out in 2007, so I'm kinda blur on the book plot. Nevertheless, after browsing through the book, I found that the movie plot manages to stay true to its original script, only leaving out some minor details (such as the little chat between Harry and the Dursleys at the start). I was a bit skeptical about where they'll cut off between part 1 and part 2, but that particular part is a fair breaking point. It's also nice to see many familiar characters from previous movies making appearances here, like [spoiler]DOBBY![/spoiler]
The main strength of the Harry Potter films has always been its acting. All the actors/actresses (not gonna list them one-by-one, that's gonna take forever) all acted their respected roles superbly, most notably Rupert Grint, who has played Ron Weasly since the beginning. He's been the comedic one since the start, but this time I reckon he's the best actor for this movie (next to Dobby... OOPS).
Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix Lestrange? STILL CREEPY!
The special effects are just as good as the last movie. The movie is dark and gritty, as in the last movie. Heh, loads of scenes are pretty dark! The chase scene around the first 20 minutes and the chase at the Ministry of Magic displays some of the best special effects in the movie.
As I said, I'm a tad blur on the story plot, but there are few scenes with which should have been there. As I said at the pros section, Harry had a little chat with his guardians before they parted ways, and that scene was meant to show the patched relationship between them, which would've made the earlier parts more cheery. Personally, I don't really think you'll miss any important bits if you watch this movie without reading the book.
Good story, good acting, good special effects... this movie is brilliant! While I didn't get the big surprise I was hoping for, I've really enjoyed this movie, and I'll recommend this movie to any Muggle (see what I did there?), IT'S THAT GOOD. Can't wait for Part 2 next July :)
Just so you know, quite a few characters die in this movie. RIP *censored* and *censored* got killed, oh and *censored* died! :P