KevJumba (and ChesterSee) VS Globetrotters
December 05, 2010
Man, this video is so funny, I had to mention it here! :D
It shows Kevin and Chester (the other dude in the 'Shed a Tear' video) against 2 Globetrotters. In a 20-point game, the Globetrotters can only score from a 4-pointer, which is 12 feet away from the 3-pointer.
Oh gawd, the Globetrotter sure can play well, and they entertain well too, at Kevin's expense. And after watching this video, my view on Chester is different now (he's so different from the Shed a Tear video), watch the 2 videos and you'll understand.
"Kevin, 你为什么这么笨?" does not mean "I LOVE YOU" in Chinese :P